torsdag 17 mars 2011

lördag 12 mars 2011

Fear of Art Extension has begun!

We are almost done with all preparations, woohoo!! Looking forward to seeing you at 15.30. It's time for Fear of Art Extension!

torsdag 10 mars 2011


Hmm, taking a little longer than expected. But LOVE blue.
If I can't have blue skies, I'll just paint my canvases blue...

onsdag 9 mars 2011


The evening ( read: night session) begins. I'm puzzled with the colours I want for my last painting. I don't like purple, but somehow I've ended up with having o.n.l.y purple on my mind. Bizarre - I have not even listened to Prince.


måndag 7 mars 2011

and the inspiration began...

I went to a concert friday night, and I was utterly mesmerized by the guitarist. He was careless, arrogant, and oh so alluring (!) He was there, but not really there...and the inspiration began...


torsdag 3 mars 2011

onsdag 2 mars 2011

Don't come looking for details...

I have always been very impressed with people who have an eye for details. Some people just know that you need to add some coriander to spice up a sauce, or that you need some extra inches of fabric in order to get the perfect length on a pair of pants. Well, perhaps not the best examples to get my point across, but you know what I'm trying to say. Unfortunately, this has never been, and will probably never be a strength of mine.

I always start out with a pen, marking specific details and shadows ( thinking to myself; this time I will focus more on the small significant things), but when I start painting - I just get too excited.

I want colours < subtract neon colours>, I want to feel the layers of paint, I want splish, I want splash....

Suddenly, traces of initial characteristics are gone. However, something new appears. I usually don't like it in the beginning, but after a while of contemplating; - Yeah, I did good ( real good?)!

/ Nneeek